
growing together in god's truth

Growing up isn't easy.  Having a good community of friends and leaders who point you to God's truth can make such a difference.  Youth Group is a place where students who don’t know Jesus can encounter the Gospel for the first time and a place where students who do know Jesus can bring their friends to hear about him.  

The youth ministry provides a help and support to Christian parents as they raise their kids to love Jesus and live all of life from a biblical perspective.

youth Sunday SCHEDULE

8:30 am & 11:15 am

Worship Service 

10:00 - 11:00 am

Junior High and Senior High meet in their own classrooms for Christian Education. 

5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Youth Group meets in the Church Youth Room. A Bible lesson, dinner together and hangout time.

youth activities

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Sunday evenings are a favorite.  Learning from God's word, laughing over dinner, and hanging out - a perfect start to the week.  Come join us!

Throughout the year, there are a number of fun events for the youth to get more connected and go deeper in their spiritual growth.   A favorite event each year is the fall youth retreat to Harvey Cedars Retreat Center in Long Beach Island, NJ.  This retreat and some other events in the year join up with youth from other local PCA churches - a fun way to get to know other local Christians. 

"Youth group at LPC was . . . 

foundational in cultivating my relationship with Christ. It was always a time of fun fellowship, a time to be challenged, and an escape from the mundane of the busy week.

I grew up so much during my youth group years and am incredibly grateful for the loving leaders who helped to shape my worldview and encourage me to pursue Christ with my whole heart."
- Celia F.